The Private WiFi Team
Team AOL

We look forward to working with you to serve and protect your Members/users.

Most people are unaware that wifi signals are really just radio waves.  Anything that is transmitted in a public hotspot, such as cofeeshops, hotels, airports or parks, can be intercepted. All that is needed is an ordinary laptop and simple software that can be downloaded from the web.  There are hundreds of videos on YouTube that show you how to do it.

What's at risk?  Every web site visited, email, IM and Facebook post can be captured and recorded.  There are even ways to "hijack" whole sessions allowing hackers into passworded sites. And there is no way to even know it is occurring at the time.  Besides the general loss of privacy, ultimately the risk to individuals is identity theft, according to our friends at the Identity Theft Resource Center, a non-profit that assists victims.

Private WiFi is a personal VPN (Virtual Private Network) designed specifically to protect people in wifi hotspots.  With the increasingly mobile lifestyle and the growing number of hotpots, Private WiFi is as important to your Members as their AntiVirus and Firewall.  Only they don't know it – yet.

And that's where you come in.  We hope that you will join is in making your Members/users aware of the need for protecting themselves in wifi hotspots, via a personal VPN, such as Private WiFi.  Security experts universally recommend VPNs as the only effective way to be sure communication in wifi hotspots is not compromised.

You might start by downloading a copy of Private WiFi from the Lifestore [Link],where you can get a free 30 day trial. Private WiFi is also included in AOL Advantage Premium Plus - $17.95, AOL Total Advantage - $25.90, AOL Total Advantage Plus - $27.99

Take a look at our Briefing Guide which we wrote specifically for AOL.

Check out our web site and our video on YouTube. Visit private-i, our blog and information center.

You can look at hour Help, FAQ and QuickStart Guide.  (The Quickstart guide refers to some capabilities that will be released within the next few weeks.) If you have any questions, you can contact our Customer Support by sending an email to